Tier 8 Legacy Builder Sebrof Forbes Foundation Donation


The mission of the Sebrof Forbes Foundation is to provide culturally enriching

programs, events and services for local communities and worldwide for growth,

education and fulfillment. The Foundation is located in Kensington, Maryland,

just minutes from the hub of our nation’s capital.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and support. Together, we will make a

meaningful difference and create a destination that highlights our cultural change

agents, thought leaders, and futurists.

With sincere gratitude,

Dennis Forbes

Sebrof Forbes Foundation

Tier 6 Legacy Builder Governor Deval Patrick Donation
Tier 7 Legacy Builder Wes Moore Donation
Tier 7 Legacy Builder Governor Doug Wilder Donation
Tier 4 Legacy Builder Congressman John Conyers Donation
Tier 2 Legacy Builder Harriet Tubman Donation